Makefiles run chartrep and chart, then LaTeX.
700 pages, 75 years in preparation, 350 years of family history.
Families Helped Build America
Quarterman Family
Liberty County, Georgia
Jane Quarterman Comer,
David Leon Quarterman,
Stephen Patrick Quarterman,
John Sinclair Quarterman.
chart example
chart input example
Folds lines.
- Places boxes into a chart.
- Compares aspect ratio (heighth/width) of chart
to aspect ratio of output rectangle.
- If chart is too tall, makes all boxes one line.
- Uses heuristics to pick a line to fold.
- Folds that line, and recomputes the chart.
- Iterates until aspect ratio is reached.
- If chart too big for box, decreases point size to fit.
- No lower point size limit.
- No limit on chart size or complexity.
- All internal data structures dynamically allocated.
- Use charttile to make dense charts legible.
Other features.
- Proportional fonts.
- Selectable fonts (slightly tricky, but doable).
- Colors or black and white (command line option).
- Intermarriage lines.
- Intergenerational intermarriage lines.
- Regular PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS).
Possible additions.
- Thickets.
- Stepfamilies.
- More automatic use of fonts.
- Etc.
chartrep options
- Print places after dates.
- Always print CHR, BAPT, and BURI
(will use them anyway if no BIRT or DEAT).
- Print EVEN.
- Print SOUR.
- Print NOTE.
- Print TEXT.
Three programs:
- Three different functions.
- Ease of programming and debugging.
- Appropriate programming language for each function.
- Shielding chart from changes in LifeLines report generator language.
- Plain text intermediate format for arbitrary manipulation.
- PostScript can also be edited manually.
more tiles
more charts